“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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SEND Local Offer Logo Competition

We are calling on all creative young people to design a graphic that will represent the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Local Offer.

The SEND Local Offer is a place where children and young people with SEND, and their families can find information to help them get the right help and support. The winning image will be used on the main page of the SEND Local Offer and any promotional material. The competition is open to all year groups

Please send your local offer design to Mrs Hawkridge by Sunday 13th of March 2022.

The winner will receive a £50 amazon voucher

More information on the Local Offer, what’s on it, and how it helps people can be found here: About the Local Offer – Rotherham SEND Local Offer.

Good luck

Rawmarsh White Logo - Fully Transparent

100% VIP!

On Wednesday 18th December, we hosted our 100% VIP reward, this is for students who have had 100% attendance since September. Students received a sweet

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Rawmarsh White Logo - Fully Transparent

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