
Miss Cobb
Dance Teacher
Exam Board
Our Curriculum
In Year 9 students will start to study the OCR Cambridge Nationals Enterprise and Marketing course. They will start to cover the R064 theory needed for the written exam. Students will have the opportunity to implement the theory content into small projects, allowing students to have a better grasp of the theory content
The students will learn the following skills/knowledge over the course of year 9 curriculum:
Students will develop skills needed to calculate and analysis business finances such as profit/loss, sales revenue, costs and breakeven. |
Understand the importance of Market Research and explain several different research techniques that can be carried out by a business. |
Understand the Product Growth model and be able to offer suggestions on how a business can make a product successful |
Understand the legal issues involved in running a business and how legislation can protect employees in industry. |
In Year 10 students will continue to cover the Theory Aspects of the course. Students will also start the first unit of Controlled assessment. The R065 Unit – Design a Business Proposal. In this unit of work students will need to design a product based on market research they have gathered from their potential customers. Students will also need to look at the financial implications of making their product and outline the potential risks of marketing the product they have designed.
The students will learn the following skills/knowledge over the course of year 10 curriculum:
Demonstrate the ability to evaluate different Market Research methods and carry some of these methods out as part of the controlled assessment |
Using the Market Research identify a “Gap in the Market” and design your own product that could be successful when marketed. |
Understand the Product Development and Growth model and provide suggestions on how to make your product successful. |
Understand the risks and financial issues that could be caused from developing your product. |
In Year 11 students will complete the final unit of the Enterprise and Marketing course. Students will also use this year to resit the exam component or improve and resubmit the previous controlled assessment units.
R066 – Market or Pitch a Business Proposal – Students will learn how to successfully market their product/business they developed in the R065 Unit. Students will have the opportunity to present their business proposal in an assessed business pitch.
The students will learn the following skills/knowledge over the course of year 11 curriculum:
Students will develop presentation and communication skills being able to perform a sales pitch of their business to their peers and staff. |
Students will learn how to create a brand and demonstrate a knowledge of Marketing techniques that can be used by businesses |
The Subject Way
Our subject has a ‘Subject Way’ at the heart of it. Our Subject Way is designed to help students become young subject specialists. The Subject Way has two main purposes:
Firstly, to teach students the vital skills they need to achieve their full potential and gain the very best grades they can. Secondly, to teach students how each subject relates to the wider world, incorporating the life skills they will learn.
It is our belief that knowing how what you learn links to the wider world brings a subject to life and therefore improves overall understanding and engagement.
Curriculum Intent
A high-quality physical education curriculum inspires all pupils to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically-demanding activities. It should provide opportunities for pupils to become physically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness. Opportunities to compete in sport and other activities, build character and help to embed values such as fairness and respect. We also aim to develop the social and emotional well-being of our students.
We aim to engender a love of learning, self-belief and aspiration through 4 key intentions:
- The removal of barriers
- Developing skills for learning
- Fostering of personal attributes
- Enriching student experiences and broadening their horizons
How we intend to remove barriers
In Physical Education we remove barriers to learning and support students’ ability to access the curriculum through the development of literacy, numeracy, oracy skills and vocabulary acquisition. Students are introduced to key subject specific vocabulary and have regular opportunities to reinforce their understanding through low stakes testing. Students are given opportunities to read widely and often in order to develop their oracy within a subject specific context.
Misconceptions do not go unchallenged and the supportive environment within each and every lesson ensures that students develop their own literacy and vocabulary in a high challenge, low fear environment. Throughout each year of the curriculum numeracy and statistical skills are sequenced to become more complex over time to ensure students build on the fundamental aspects of each one and develop their confidence and aptitude.
Rawmarsh offers a fully inclusive curriculum by; |
1. Building strong relationships |
2. Using support staff |
3. Listening to pupils |
4. Planning fully inclusive lessons |
Initiatives used in PE; |
Colour smash – Promoting physical activity for girls |
Lunch time clubs for SEN students |
Fully inclusive extracurricular timetable |
How we foster personal attributes
In year 7 pupils are taught a broad range of activities including outwitting opponents (take risks and rise to a challenge), competing at maximum levels (Dreaming Big), exploring and communicating ideas etc with a focus on improving their physical, social and emotional well-being. They will become competent, confident and expert in their techniques, and apply them across different sports.
When entering Y8 and Y9 students follow pathways dependent on their areas of strength having completed Year 7. Students will continue to access a range, however, they will study a more specific curriculum. All students across Year 7 & 8 should understand what makes a performance effective and how to apply these principles to their own and others work.
In years 9, 10 and 11 students will continue to develop their character and physical competence as well as increasing their knowledge and understanding of the value of life long participation in Sport. This is done by ensuring lessons are both engaging and purposeful as well as additional opportunities for pupils to ‘try something new’ in the form of taster sessions. Pupils should tackle complex and demanding physical activities. They should get involved in a range of activities that develop personal fitness and promotes an active, healthy lifestyle.
Students can also choose to study a vocational qualification in sport, equivalent to one GCSE. They are assessed on Fitness for Sport and Exercise, Leadership, Practical Sports Performance, and Applying the Principles of Personal Training. This is all achieved by teaching theoretical content through and alongside high-quality practical PE.
Pupils will continue to take part in competitive sports and activities outside school through community links or sports clubs.
Students also have the opportunity to complete the Duke of Edinburgh at bronze and silver level. This further supports and develops the student’s skills and character.
How we intend to enrich student experiences and broaden the horizons of students
Our curriculum offers a variety of different trips to local colleges, theatres and music venues. |
Visits from industry professionals that lead on subject-specific workshops. |
The use of regular performance in lessons to increase confidence and decrease performance anxiety. |
Opportunities to be a part of the school led full-scale musical productions that combine all 3 disciplines of the performing arts. |
Extracurricular enrichment through school shows/concerts, choir, music technology and instrumental development. |
Why Study Dance?
RSL Dance is a progression from studying Dance at KS3. This route is a very practical course which will develop your performance skills and knowledge of dance techniques. It will prepare you for progression to study Dance at A-Level or Level 3 at college.
What Will I Study?
You will develop skills learnt throughout Years 7 and 8 and refine action techniques and performance skills for performance. You will learn how to choreograph and coach for performance and take a stimulus to stage. You will learn warm up routines, develop independent working and tracking skills, knowledge and application of health and safety procedures, negotiation and communication skills and confidence in performing to an audience.
In short…
- Dance Techniques – physical and interpretation skills
- Choreographing
- Safe Working Practices
- Life Skills – communication, negotiation, team working, presentation, self-evaluation and reflection, interpretation and evaluative skills.
How Will I Be Assessed?
There are two units, weighted 50% each, for the assessment.
Live Performance – Externally assessed controlled assessment (exam)
You will work with an allocated group to prepare a performance piece for assessment. This is prepared, performed and evaluated under exam conditions so you will need to be able to work independently to plan your project accordingly. You will submit a film of your final performance and a written portfolio tracking your development. This assessment takes place in Y11 of the course.
Dance Techniques – Internally assessed unit (coursework)
You will learn about dance techniques, safe warm up and working practises, projection, alignment, coordination and other performance skills required to perform successfully. You will gain appropriate knowledge of using props/lights and apply this in a performance. You will submit recordings of your work – development and final performance and a written portfolio to demonstrate your progress made.
You will be assessed according to the RSL grading criteria and can achieve a Pass, Merit or Distinction.
In short…
2 Units:
Live Performance – 50%
*Research, prepare, perform and review
*This is done independently under controlled conditions.
Dance Techniques – 50%
*Research, prepare, perform and review
*This is done in lesson, guided by your teacher
What Skills Will I Need?
You must be a confident communicator and have a love of performing. You need to be able to work with others and be able to remember and progress dances for performance. Basic knowledge of Dance skills and techniques from Year 7 and 8 or external dance classes is essential.
Department Staff
C Mills
S Cobb
Find out more
If you would like more information about our curriculum, please contact the school using the details on our contact page.
Our Subjects at KS4