At Rawmarsh Community School, we firmly believe that school uniform allows equality and fairness for all, and that it prepares young people for the world of work, whilst also eliminating social stigmas around class and wealth, and having a positive influence on behaviour and fostering a sense of community.
Following on from the Uniform Consultation at the end of 2023, we are pleased to introduce our new school uniform for the 2024-25 academic year and beyond.
Uniform from September 2024
School Uniform
- Black ‘v neck’ jumper with white piping to neck line and RCS/WPT logos, or
- Black cardigan with white piping and RCS/WPT logos
- RCS clip-on tie
- White button-up shirt
- Plain black tailored trousers, or
- Plain black skirt*, or
- Plain black tailored shorts*
- Plain black leather shoes or plain black leather trainers#
*Skirts and shorts can be worn throughout the year, but must be knee-length. Skirts must not be the lycra ‘tube’ type and must be worn with black socks or tights. Shorts must be worn with black socks.
#Footwear must be suitable, plain black leather and show no other colours or embellishments / logos. During the winter months, flat-heeled ankle boots or winter boots are allowed, but these must also be plain black.
PE Uniform
- NEW black, white and yellow PE t-shirt with RCS logo
- Plain black hoodie or sweatshirt
- Plain black PE style shorts, or
- Plain black sports bottoms / leggings
- (Optional) plain black base layer
- Trainers*
*No pumps, slip-ons, sliders or flip-flops etc
Please note:
- Football / hockey boots are not essential for PE lessons
- Jewellery must be removed before PE lessons
- Long hair should be tied back
Please label all clothing with full name, including coats, bags and PE kit.
Names on PE kit
Due to safeguarding concerns, and to increase the ability for school to recycle PE kit in our Uniform Bank, students will no longer be able to have their name or initials printed on the PE t-shirt.
Use of Existing Uniform
We recognise that updating the school uniform may incur an initial extra cost for families. For this reason, students in Year 8-11 are able to keep using existing uniform items purchased prior to September 2024 for the 2024-25 academic year only. This includes logo’d school trousers, PE quarter-zips, PE hoodies, PE joggers, and PE leggings. All students must be in the fully updated uniform by September 2025.
Makeup, Nails and Jewellery
Makeup should be discreet and kept at a minimum. False eyelashes and false fingernails are not allowed. Nails should be kept at a neutral colour.
Jewellery must be kept to a minimum, with no more than one small stud earring per ear. No other facial or body piercings are allowed. Rings, bracelets, larger earrings and necklaces are not permitted. Earrings must be removed for PE lessons.
Other Equipment
In addition to school uniform, students are expected to have the following items with them each day:
- A bag large enough to carry an A4 book
- Their school planner
- Equipment for the day – as a minimum, 2x pens, 1x pencil, 1x rubber and 1x ruler in a pencil case
- Homework
- PE Kit (on PE days)
Uniform Suppliers
School uniform can be purchased from the following uniform suppliers:
Pinder’s Schoolwear
Required branded items are limited to the school v-neck jumper (or cardigan) with logos, and the school PE t-shirt with logo. All other items are non-branded and can be purchased from the above uniform suppliers or any clothing retailer, including, but not limited to, Next, M&S, Asda and Tesco.
Uniform Bank
WPT operates a Uniform Bank, stocked with good-quality new and used uniform items. The scheme gives families suffering financial hardships the opportunity to receive free uniform. It also allows parents who are able, to donate used, good-quality uniform items for the benefit of those less fortunate than themselves. Trust schools are always on the lookout for donations, which are gratefully accepted at school reception.
Uniform items sought for donation:
- School jumpers and cardigans
- Shirts
- Trousers, skirts and shorts
- School ties
- PE kit including t-shirts and shorts
- Coats
- Bags
The WPT uniform bank is operated centrally. Donated items are laundered, catalogued and stored. The Bank operates year-round, with collection drives taking place at set points throughout the year.
Families in need can access the Uniform Bank via the Trust’s website.