“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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New Student Leadership Champion roles

Prestident & Vice President
Abigail Adegboye & Kyle Thompson

  • They will lead, check-up and direct all of the champion roles
    They will be responsible for chairing and minuting meetings
    Creating agendas alongside Mr Green for the leadership meetings
    Be responsible for presenting in SLT and governor meetings and the face of our student leadership team.


Mental Health Champions
Abbey Hancock & Amy Thompson

  • They will research and collect information about positive mental health. They will work with our Trust-wide media team to design a positive mental health poster to be displayed on our big poster boards around the school.
    They will encourage a form period on keeping your mental wellbeing healthy with exercises and practices for students to do.


Anti Bullying Advocates
Tyler Richardson

  • Victims of bullying incidents will be given the option to put their names forward for a future catch-up with our advocates who will do drop-ins with students to see how things are.
    They will then provide a link between students and our Year Teams.
    They will also encourage self-reflection of students’ own actions through form resources and an assembly


Equality Champions
Karma Harrison & Alexandra Wallace

  • They will work on our whole school language and promote equality in our school communications with home.
    They will create positive posters through our Trust-wide media team showing students around school how to promote diversity and equality
    They will set up and host ‘The Group’, a weekly LGBTQ+ safe space at dinner times for like-minded individuals


Student Voice Leads
Lewis Arnold & Amy Thompson

  • They will design and create google form questionnaires about behaviour, wellbeing, and improvements around the school. They will collate results and present their findings in SLT meetings.

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Translation Challenge Winner!

Well done to Sasha, who won Mr Miller’s £10 Translation Challenge during Options Evening at Rawmarsh Community School. Sasha and other students who are looking

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