“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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Us in School Campus Visit

A group of Y9 students are participating in the Us in-school mentoring programme which is designed to provide direct support for young people who have the academic potential to progress to university. Mentees meet their Student Mentor in school for regular weekly 1-1 mentoring sessions, during term time, throughout the academic year.

The content of the sessions include:
Study skills, homework/coursework, and exam preparation support
University student life and student finance
Researching and considering their future options, education, and career direction
GCSE, A-Level, and University Course options
Personal development (e.g. self-confidence, resilience, and time management)
The opportunity to ask questions about Further and Higher Education, and develop their aspirations
This week mentees have the opportunity to visit The University of Sheffield.
The visit incorporated taster sessions introducing mentees to the academic aspects of university life, a tour of the University campus, and lunch in the Students’ Union.

At the end of the programme, participants and their parents/carers are invited to visit The University of Sheffield for a graduation-style Celebration Evening. Each mentee is awarded a certificate, with special recognition for mentees who have engaged particularly well with the programme. This celebration event will be in May

Well done to all involved in this programme visit this week, you have demonstrated that you are dreaming big and that you are respectful and listened to others

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School News

RCS Proud Podium

On Friday 7th March, RCS held its Proud Podium. Students from all year groups came to tell us how proud they were about various aspects

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