“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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WPT Personal Development Day – 6th July 2022

On Wednesday 6th July, students in all year groups participated in a Trust-wide Personal Development Day.
Students learnt about the ways that they can develop themselves to prepare them for the ever-changing world that we live in.
The sessions were delivered using five key themes:
  • Y6 participated in a session with a humanist guest speaker followed by learning about the importance of the Rawmarsh Ways and how to apply them
  • Y7 also participated in the humanist session followed by learning about the law and courts system
  • Y8 started the day with a ‘big debate’ arguing for or against questions based around equality and diversity. This was followed by a session with Bob, the humanist guest speaker
  • Y9 completed an enterprise challenge where they learnt about different job roles and what they entailed and then had to create their own product which they presented to the rest of the class
  • Y10 focussed on Careers and Post-16 opportunities with presentations delivered by HeppSY
Students demonstrated positive attitudes and were engaged in the sessions, Bob the humanist proved to be extremely popular.
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Translation Challenge Winner!

Well done to Sasha, who won Mr Miller’s £10 Translation Challenge during Options Evening at Rawmarsh Community School. Sasha and other students who are looking

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