“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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Rawmarsh Field Vandalism

Rawmarsh School Fields have been broken into for a third time in the past 12 months.

Last week two new padlocks were cut off and signage was also damaged which is costing the school money to replace.

The school and site team is having to deal with unnecessary strain of  replacing the locks and repairing signage again within weeks of the last break in. 

We are asking that members of the community help us to manage this problem moving forwards.

Please be mindful of this issue and we ask that if you see anyone who may be accessing the field without permission, please send a description of them to: rcsmail@rawmarsh.org

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School News

RCS Proud Podium

On Friday 7th March, RCS held its Proud Podium. Students from all year groups came to tell us how proud they were about various aspects

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