“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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Y7 Pledge Achievers

This morning we held an assembly for Y7 to celebrate all the students who have achieved a Pledge since January.
42 students have achieved an Active Citizenship Pledge and 49 students have achieved a Life skills Pledge. This demonstrates hard work and commitment, well done to all of you.
The challenge now is for as many students as possible to complete a Cultural Experiences Pledge before we break up.
Any student that achieves all 3 Pledges before the Summer will receive a pin badge to wear on their tie – who will be the first to be awarded one???
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Translation Challenge Winner!

Well done to Sasha, who won Mr Miller’s £10 Translation Challenge during Options Evening at Rawmarsh Community School. Sasha and other students who are looking

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