“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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Y10 Go Above and Beyond this Academic Year!

This week has seen us hold our Annual End of Year Awards Assemblies for Years 7-10 to celebrate their academic success and achievements for this school year. 

On Tuesday we celebrated Year 10’s incredible success during their last awards assembly by handing out 110 awards. This just goes to show how hard they have worked in preparation for their GCSE’S next year. 

The 110 awards were given out for Excellent Attendance, Subjects, Curriculum Support, Instrumentalist of the Year, The Governor’s Award, Outstanding Effort, The Rawmarsh Way, Praise Points, RCS Pledges, Endeavour Award and finally the Top Students of the Year Award. We also enjoyed two incredible performances from Year 10 superstars, Milly and Sophie who absolutely blew the audience away with their vocals.

A massive well done to all Y10 students who received an award for their effort and commitment to their school learning and community this year. We are so proud of all your achievements and look forward seeing the same effort applied during your GCSE’s next year. 

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School News

Y8 WWI Trench Model

Well done to Jj and Eddie, who spent a lot of their summer holidays creating this amazing World War I trench model! It features barbed

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Save the Date

Thursday 26th September 2024- 4:30 – 6:30pm

We look forward to opening our doors to some of our potential future students. This evening will give them an opportunity to take a tour around the school and have a look into the sort of topics they will be covering in the subjects.

See our Transition page for more information:

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