Recently our Year 7 students visited the Madina Masjid Mosque in Sheffield as part of our entitlement curriculum.
The Religious Education department believes that experiences such as visits to places of worship and talks from visiting speakers provide students the opportunity to broaden their knowledge and understanding of different beliefs beyond what we learn about in the classroom.
The visit allowed students to recognise that we live in a diverse world, practice how to engage with others in a respectful way and understand a variety of viewpoints, which are all elements of the RE Way that is followed in lessons.
During the visit, our tour guide, Zahid, explained the different features of the mosque and how faith can play a role in the daily routine of a Muslim.
RE ambassador Deborah said “The trip was fantastic! We learned lots of things such as, why shoes are removed at the entrance of the mosque, how Muslims wash before prayer, what direction Muslims face when praying, that some Muslims memorise the whole Qur’an and how some will donate to charity if they drop the Qur’an.”
Our students had a fantastic time and we would like to thank Zahid and the Madina Masjid for allowing us to visit.