“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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RCS Ski Trip 2024

We arrived safely in Passo Tonale at the weekend to be greeted with a snow storm! 🌨❄

Day 1 on the slopes we faced some very difficult conditions with poor visibility but everyone gave it their best shot, showing resilience and determination.

The beginner group have started trying snow plough turns whilst the intermediate groups tried some backwards skiing and the advanced group headed higher up the mountain for some steeper runs.

The winner of the wipe-out of the day went to Lucas Yearsley who performed an impressive back flip, he will be wearing Patricia (crab helmet cover) for the day tomorrow.

This evening the Easter bunny (AKA Mrs Hawkridge) visited and handed out some crème eggs. We also did our first room inspections and room 111 (Josh Greaves, Alex Hull and Jack Pearson) were victorious with a spotless room, who would have guessed!

We finished the evening with a sing along to some live music in the reception area. 🎤🎶

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Translation Challenge Winner!

Well done to Sasha, who won Mr Miller’s £10 Translation Challenge during Options Evening at Rawmarsh Community School. Sasha and other students who are looking

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