Targeted Tutor Period
In the past, form groups were allocated randomly, and students of different abilities and needs were all placed in the same form.
Often, in Y7, this was completed by placing students in a form with at least one friend they had in primary school.
The way in which form groups are put together has changed. Now, students are placed into form groups depending on the support that they need. Students were placed into different groups using various pieces of data, including their effort average, behaviour points, attendance, and punctuality.
Students in Years 8-11 have already entered Targeted Tutor. Students in Year 7 will not enter Targeted Tutor straight away. Once enough data has been collated for the students in Year 7, they will be placed into the group with the support that they need.
The tutor groups in each year were split into three sub-groups, which are as follows:
These are the students who have 100% attendance, no lates, excellent effort, and often receive several praise points in school.
These tutor groups will be larger in size.
These are the students who have good attendance, minimal lates, average effort, and sometimes receive praise points in school.
These tutor groups will be of an average size.
These are the students who have poor attendance, punctuality issues, some concerns regarding their effort or behaviour in school.
These tutor groups will be smaller in size.
The activities that each sub-group complete during tutor period are targeted to each of their needs, ensuring that each and every student can make the most of the time that they spend in their tutor every morning.
Whereas previously each form group has worked together to compete against different forms in an inter-form league, now, each student competes with other students in their form, in an intra-form league. Every week, students earn points relating to their attendance, behaviour, and their punctuality. Prizes are on offer every week for the students earning the highest points in different categories.
The aim of targeted tutor is to make sure that every student receives the support they need in form period, to set them up as best as possible to make the most of their time at RCS, striving towards the school’s ethos of sending each and every student able and qualified to play their full part in it.
The form groups are not set in stone, and students may move into different groups depending on how the support they require changes over time.

Y11 Rotherham Plate Winners
On Saturday 15th March, our Year 11 footballers were crowned Rotherham School Plate winners after a hard fought 5-3 victory against Oakwood School! Despite twice going