“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”

Y7 Outstanding Award

The following students in Y7 have been awarded the Outstanding Student Award for the HT1 and HT2. This is awarded to students who have had 100% attendance, 0 Lates, 0 CFCs, and 45+ CFPs. This is only achieved by the top performing students that are committed to their education, and goes without saying that this […]

Y7 Embracing the Whole Curriculum

This half term, students in Y7 have received their Embracing the Whole Curriculum Award for effort across all their subjects in Data Collection One. 58 students achieved Bronze, 26 achieved Silver, and 13 achieved Gold. Congratulations to these students, you have made your school extremely proud! #WeWorkHard #WeAreProudOfOurAchievements

Attendance Success!

A huge congratulations to all the amazing students who had 100% attendance in HT2, you should be extremely proud of yourselves! ⭐ Y7 had 86 students with 100% attendance in HT2 ⭐ Y8 had 91 students with 100% attendance in HT2 ⭐ Y9 had 79 students with 100% attendance in HT2 These students were invited […]

Student Council 2024-25

In the Autumn Term, form groups nominated a representative to ensure every student’s voice could be heard, reflecting the British values of democracy and mutual respect. These representatives attend the relevant Key Stage Student Council meetings held every half term. Following these discussions, both the KS3 and KS4 student council teams shared their ideas and […]

Y9 Drama Trip!

Recently, Y9 Drama students visited Leeds Playhouse to see the critically acclaimed production of ‘The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe’. The production was an incredible spectacle that included puppetry, live music, and creatively designed costumes and scenery to portray the world of Narnia. Over the next half term, students will be exploring the production’s […]

Language Ambassador Breakfast!

El desayuno gratis/Le petit déjeuner gratuit! These are our Language Ambassadors, who produced lots of lovely work last half-term, and were rewarded a free breakfast for their dedication and regular attendance. Last term, we looked at how Christmas is celebrated around the world. We also hosted our first Spanish and French Blooket, which Y8 students produced, […]

100% VIP!

On Wednesday 18th December, we hosted our 100% VIP reward, this is for students who have had 100% attendance since September. Students received a sweet cone plus a dairy milk bar. Well done everyone, you should be extremely proud of yourselves! #WeAreProudOfOurAchievements

Christmas Kindness Campaign

RCS has joined TGA to complete a Christmas Kindness Campaign, in which students designed and created cards for The Abbeys Care Home, Lord Hardy Court, Broadacres, and Priory Fitzwilliam Lodge, and the patients spending Christmas at Rotherham Hospital. These are going to be delivered tomorrow afternoon, and for taking part, students have achieved one of […]

Leadership Lunch

On Tuesday 17th December, we held our first Leadership Lunch of the year. This complimentary lunch was to reward the hard work and dedication from some of our students over the last term.For each year group, the top 10 students with the most CFPs and no CFCs were invited to attend the lunch, along with […]

Y8 Gurdwara Trip

Over the last half term, many of our Year 8 students had the exciting opportunity to visit the local Gurdwara in Sheffield. Students were able to see first hand faith in action, and experience the spiritual atmosphere at the Gurdwara. Everyone was very fortunate to be given an educational talk about the Sikh temple and […]

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