“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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‘A Book for Christmas’

At Rawmarsh, we encourage all of our students to ‘Dream Big’ and ‘Rise to a Challenge’ so that they leave us able and qualified to play their full part in an ever-changing world.

This week all students in our Y7, Y8 and Y9 Literacy classes have received ‘A Book for Christmas’ to support and encourage their reading for pleasure. The students have been given the opportunity to choose their own book, from a range of fiction and non-fiction texts covering themes such as adventure, science, war & conflict, magic, time, identity, and technology.

Research shows that reading ability is just as strongly linked to GCSE success in Maths and Science as it is in English. With this in mind, our Literacy lessons are designed to follow the principles of Reciprocal Reading which we use across the school to help students ‘read to learn.’ This means students will be better equipped to gain the crucial subject knowledge they need in all of their curriculum subjects, and in life beyond school. The ‘Book for Christmas’ provides a very exciting opportunity to promote a love of reading from home.

Students have also been set the challenge to complete a book review after reading their chosen text, a copy has been sent home. If this is completed and handed in for the deadline of 17th January 2022, students will have achieved the KS3 Rawmarsh Pledge for ‘BV3 Independence at home.’

Good luck to all Literacy students and enjoy reading!

Miss Keogh (Literacy Co-ordinator)

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Translation Challenge Winner!

Well done to Sasha, who won Mr Miller’s £10 Translation Challenge during Options Evening at Rawmarsh Community School. Sasha and other students who are looking

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