“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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Snozone Trip ⛷

On Thursday evening 22 of our students made their way to Snozone at Castleford for a two-hour ski lesson, in order to prepare for their trip to Wagrain, Austria in April.

Students who had been skiing before spent all their lesson on the main slope. Students spent time reacquainting themselves with their skis, practicing their skills, building confidence and even attempting some moguls and jumps. There were some falls, by both students and staff, but everyone showed their resilience by picking themselves and with support and encouragement from those around them carrying on.

Students, who were having their first experience of skiing, learnt how to fit their boots and how to move around with skis on before spending their lesson on the nursery slope. They practiced their positioning on the skis, mastered the rope lift, learnt how to control their speed, and most importantly, how to stop!

Lots of progress was made and they should all be very proud of their achievements!

Well done everyone, Wagrain here we come! 🤩 🏔

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School News

RCS Proud Podium

On Friday 7th March, RCS held its Proud Podium. Students from all year groups came to tell us how proud they were about various aspects

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