“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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Morning from sunny Valencia 🌞

We all arrived safe and sound in sunny Valenica, after settling in, unpacking and acclimatising to the 27 degree heat we were straight into our first football training session at Valencia’s training ground.

I can report that both staff and students are loving the sun!!

There were some tired faces around the breakfast tables Sunday morning but they are all raring to go for another jam packed day of football including our visit to watch Villarreal play their home game.

Look out for our next update tomorrow! 🌞🌞🌞

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School News

RCS Proud Podium

On Friday 7th March, RCS held its Proud Podium. Students from all year groups came to tell us how proud they were about various aspects

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