“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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Year 11 Mock Interviews

Y11 were given the opportunity to have a mock interview with a person from a local business. We had over 15 volunteers give up their own time to give our students a practise interview to help prepare them for the world of work and any other interviews they may be invited to take part in.

Students were asked a series of interview questions, including being asked to give scenarios where they described working as part of a team etc. Students had been given the opportunity to prepare answers to these questions beforehand to ensure they got the full benefit of the experience, and were also encouraged to ask their own questions of employers.

The employers conducting the interviews commented on how well our students came across and how impressed they were at the achievements and presentation of many of our students. This was a daunting task, but everyone who attended did a wonderful job and took part in an experience that will leave them with valuable insight into the world of work.

Well done Y11!

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100% Attendance Celebration

This week, we hosted our 100% Attendance Reward for HT4, to celebrate this achievement, students received an Easter Egg! Students who have received 100% since

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