Y9 Visit to North Star Science
10 of our year 9 budding scientists enjoyed a visit to this year’s North Star Science School at Gulliver’s Valley this week. Joining over 500 students from across South Yorkshire, they watched a virtual presentation from Professor Brian Cox; engaged in hands-on workshop activities from Science and Engineering employers including; Volker Rail, South Yorkshire NHS, […]
WPT Christmas Card Competition 2023
We’re holding our annual Christmas Card Competition – this is open to all students in Wickersley Partnership Trust schools, from FS1 to Year 13. Here’s what you have to do: Design a Christmas card on 1 side of A4 paper (no 3D entries please – we can’t print these!) Take a photo of your entry […]
RCS Y11 Oxford Visit
On Monday November 6th, 35 of our Y11 students went to Magdalen College at the University of Oxford. The purpose of the trip was to expose students to the routes into Oxford and Cambridge and give them information on the application process. Students were given talks about the various aspects of the application process and […]
Remembrance Poppies at Rawmarsh
Over the last few weeks students and staff have created array of commemorative poppies as part of wellbeing and enrichment at Rawmarsh. These are now on display at the front of the school. Well done to all the students and staff who have taken part.
Y9 100% Attendance
A huge congratulations to the 65 students in Y9 who achieved 100% attendance in Half Term 1. RCS held its very own 100 Club event for the first Half Term of the academic year. 412 students across the school managed to obtain 100% attendance for that Half Term.
RCS Proud Podium
Friday 3rd November – Proud Podium. Lots of students from all year groups came to tell us how proud they were about various aspects of their school and out of school activities. It was lovely to see so many students able to verbalise their pride in their achievements. James Mortimer 7 Sticker in Tech excellent work Danny […]
Year 7 Attendance Awards
A huge congratulations to the 95 students in Y7 who achieved 100% attendance in Half Term 1. RCS held its very own 100 Club event for the first Half Term of the academic year. 412 students across the school managed to obtain 100% attendance for that Half Term.
Celebrating Our Sports Leadership Programme
Last year, Rawmarsh Community School formed a Sports Leadership Academy where selected Y9 students attended weekly sessions in their own time led by Mr Inglis, the School Games Organiser for Rawmarsh. The sessions centred around developing leadership skills and knowledge of officiating in sport. Throughout last year, the Leaders successfully ran a KS2 Boccia event […]
Rawmarsh Sponsored Walk 2023
On Friday 13th October 2023, Y7-Y10 took part in our annual sponsored walk, 13 km (8 miles) passing through the rural outskirts of Rawmarsh including Wentworth. Students had the opportunity to vote for their chosen charity to support the walk and this year’s majority vote was for YoungMinds. Students who took part in the event found […]
WPT Young Musician of the Year 2023
On Thursday 12th October, WPT held the finals of the Young Musician of the Year competition. This was a fantastic evening with 25 students from KS1 to KS4 competing. There was a wide range of instruments and styles of music played from Heavy Metal to Classical. All the secondary schools had students competing and some […]